Tarek Atoui


Born in Beirut,1980. Lives and works in Paris.

The Wind harvesters, 2566

Sound installation

Dimensional variable

Tarek Atoui is an artist and composer working within the realm of sound performance and composition. His work challenges traditional ways of perceiving sound and focuses on the medium’s ability to act as a catalyst for human interaction while exploring its relation to current social, historical, and political realities. Within Atoui’s practice, he often uses organic materials, such as wood, stone, and plant matter – he works with local craftspeople to refashion traditional indigenous musical instruments, creating hybrids between instruments and sculpture.


The Wind Harvesters is an air circuit inspired by the water irrigation systems of rice fields in the area of Chiang Rai. It is made out of bamboo sections into which traditional wind instruments from the Akha and Lisu tribes were mounted and tuned by Atoui, the musicians and the instrument makers from these communities.


A computer based composition translates the sound of the traditional wind instruments into water and hidden sound flows creating an intricate composition and listening situation for the audience visiting the work. The artist also conceived the space of this composition and its elements as a hospitality and performance ground for the members of these tribes and other musicians during the time of the exhibition.
Supported by Embassy of France in Thailand